Fireplace range
A NunnaUuni fireplace brings pleasing warmth to your home or cottage. The range features fireplaces for a variety of purposes. As a heating solution, the fireplace is a cornerstone of energy self-sufficiency. NunnaUuni’s unique building material, Mammutti soapstone and our patented innovations ensure you get the maximum benefit from your fireplace and save on heating costs!
In addition to heat-storing soapstone fireplaces and cooking-oriented fireplaces, our range also includes lighter heat-storing Calor fireplaces and Deko stoves.
There are also several surface options for your soapstone Nunnauuni fireplace, in addition to the harmonic soapstone surface. Do you prefer dark or light ceramic tile? The inside of the fireplace is always genuine soapstone, providing you with the pleasant warm sensation of NunnaUuni fireplaces.